Connect with your community and boost your revenue

First platform designed for affiliate sales
It's not about sales, it is about recommendation.
Boost trust and conversion by using Shopr unique in video product display tool
First platform designed for affiliate sales
It's not about sales, it is about recommendation. Boost trust and conversion by using Shopr unique in video product display tool
Free for everyone
Shopr is free to use. Experts can use their own affiliate program and receive 100% of the commission
Fit within your work flow
No need to schedule any meeting, just set your status and get calls when you decide


By powering one-to-one interaction, Shopr brings genuine human recommendation to the online world



Share your ShoprLive address with your community
#2 Whenever you decide, set your status as available to receive calls
Give one-to-one recommendation and share your own affliate links with shoppers
Get insight from your community, convert more and receive 100% of the commission
Share your Shopr links in your bio.
In one-click shoppers can reach out to you on Shopr
Give one-to-one recommendation and
share your own affiliate links with shoppers
Get insight from your community, convert more
and receive 100% of the commission


Share your Shopr link in your bio.
In one-click shoppers can reach out to you on ShoprLive
Give one-to-one recommendation and
share your own affiliate links with shoppers
Get insight from your community and beyond, convert more and receive 100% of the commission


Embedded product catalog

Share directly the affiliate links during the presentation with a clean and visual product presentation

Advanced screen-splitting

Like in real life, you will be able to show the product while continuing to be in face to face with shoppers

Seamless experience

Shopr works on both Desktop and mobile.
There is no app needed to download.
Shopr accelerates the revenue from your existing online affiliate program


Create your Shopr account
ShoprLive vs Website?

Don't be a geek, enjoy a platform design for your activity

Avoid the harassment and complexity of creating your own website. Save money, time and enjoy a ready to use platform that you can personalize, where you can share your content and interact directly with your community with your own URL! No maintenance or training needed.

All-in-one wherever you are
Access the platform from everywhere in one click and benefit from all embedded features (catalog, product display) to connect, interact and recommend products.

Beyond your community
Reach a broader audience, beyond your own community by being active and visible on the ShoprLive platform. You can share your contact to be reach directly by your community and other shoppers will find you on ShoprLive
ShoprLive vs Zoom, Skype or Google Meet? 

More than a communication tool, your own environment with embedded tools to connect and convert


No need to give your own contact or address to connect with you. Shoppers connect with you through your own page when you are available on our platform.

New client acquisition

It’s a platform so everyone even beyond your inner community can find you and reach out to you 

Sales opportunity
Embedded product catalog and product display on desktop, tablet or mobile. Stay connected and convert while enjoying a pleasant interaction and discussion over product displayed from your catalog.